There are a few examples included with the library, which you should be able to find in the Examples subdirectory.
Here is the list of examples with short descriptions:
Directory: Drawing\AntiAliasing
An example based on the AntiAliasing invariance test to demonstrate the anti aliasing of the renderer
Directory: Drawing\ArrowHead
Directory: General\ByteMaps
A basic demonstration of mapping a 2D array of values to TByteMap and displaying it using TPalette32.
Directory: Drawing\Clipper
Example to demonstrate boolean clipping (intersection, union, difference and xor) on polygons in 2D space
Directory: Drawing\CubicSpline
A basic demonstration on how custom shaped 2D curves can be drawn
Directory: Drawing\Curves
Former VPR Example, which visualizes the interpolation points of
Directory: Drawing\GammaCorrection
Based on an Anti-Grain Geometry Example, you can see how gamma correction affects anti-aliasing
Directory: Drawing\GradFills
An example on using gradient polygon filler.
Directory: Drawing\GradLines
An example on using line patterns to draw gradient lines.
Directory: Drawing\GradSampler
An example on using gradient samplers to draw backgrounds and fill polygons.
Directory: Transformation\ImgWarping
This comprehensive example demonstrates extensive use of TRemapTransformation and TVectorMap. It also implements a useful generic brush weight system, which can be applied to other aspects of image related editing (painting, uniform feathering etc.).
Directory: General\Image32
This example demonstrates the properties of TImage32 that control the scale and alignment of the bitmap image.
Directory: Layers\ImgView_Layers
A demonstration of using TImgView32, TPositionedLayer, TBitmapLayer and TRubberbandLayer. It also shows how it is possible to load RGB and Alpha channels from different image files into the TBitmap32 object at run-time and demonstrates an application of affine transformations. It also shows how is it possible to 'flatten' layers.
Directory: Drawing\LineStippling
An example on using line patterns to draw dashed lines.
Directory: Drawing\MeshGradients
Example to demonstrate different sparse point gradient interpolators (also known as mesh gradients)
Directory: Resampling\NestedSampling
An extensive example that features a visual editor for editing and ordering nested samplers. It demonstrates how different samplers can be combined in order to create dynamically linked sampling chains.
Additionally it shows how various rasterizers affect the rendering process.
Directory: Resampling\PixelF
A demonstration of interpolated PixelF property. It lets you compare the result with normal pixel access.
Directory: Blending\PixelCombine
A short demonstration of using the OnPixelCombine method in TCustomBitmap32.
Directory: General\ProgressBar
A simple visual component, that demonstrates how is it possible to create custom components based on TCustomPaintBox32. Note, that this component is mostly designed for demonstration purposes, do not expect too much from it.
Directory: Drawing\Polygons
This example shows the application of TPolygon32 to draw thick lines and other polygons with thick outlines.
Directory: Drawing\RenderText
A basic demonstration of using the TBitmap32.RenderText method.
Directory: Resampling\Resamplers
An informative demonstration of the different resamplers and kernels available in Graphics32.
Directory: General\Rotate
A simple example on using TAffineTransformation. It shows how to rotate and scale the bitmap at the same time so that it stays within the specified rectange.
Directory: Layers\RotLayer
Features custom layer class creation and demonsrtates TAffineTransformation.
Directory: Drawing\ScatterPlot
This example demonstrates how GR32 can be used in different scatter plot apllications. Based on an example from Anti-Grain Geometry
Directory: Layers\Sprites
A demonstration on adding, removing and animating multiple TBitmapLayer objects to TImage32.
Directory: Blending\TextureBlend
A short demonstration of using the BlendTransfer routine and how to use custom color algebra routines.
Directory: Transformation\Transform
An example, which demonstrates using the Transformation routine together with TAffineTransformation and TProjectiveTransformation.
Directory: Transformation\Visualization
Implements a simple set of movement (displacement transformations) renderings in line with visualizations found in various audioplayers. The formula style roughly follows conventions of Winamp Visualization Studio, and is buffered using TVectorMap. Different types of pixelrenderings (spots, particles and more) is used to visualize the movements.
Line Patterns, Bitmap Image, TBitmap32, TBitmap32.RenderText, TCustomBitmap32.OnPixelCombine, TCustomBitmap32.Pixel, Color Types, TImage32, TImgView32, TBitmapLayer, TPositionedLayer, TRubberbandLayer, TByteMap, TPolygon32, BlendTransfer, TAffineTransformation, TProjectiveTransformation, TRemapTransformation, Transform, TVectorMap
Copyright ©2000-2024 Alex Denisov and the Graphics32 Team - Graphics32 2.0 - Help file built on 18 Feb 2024