
procedure BlendTransfer(
Dst: TCustomBitmap32;
DstX: Integer;
DstY: Integer;
DstClip: TRect;
SrcF: TCustomBitmap32;
SrcRectF: TRect;
SrcB: TCustomBitmap32;
SrcRectB: TRect;
BlendCallback: TBlendReg); overload;

procedure BlendTransfer(
Dst: TCustomBitmap32;
DstX: Integer;
DstY: Integer;
DstClip: TRect;
SrcF: TCustomBitmap32;
SrcRectF: TRect;
SrcB: TCustomBitmap32;
SrcRectB: TRect;
BlendCallback: TBlendRegEx;
MasterAlpha: Integer); overload;


BlendTransfer is a three parameter version of BlockTransfer. SrcF is blended with SrcB via the provided BlendCallback callback routine, and the resulting color is written to the destination. There are two versions, one supporting blend callbacks of type TBlendReg, and one supporting the extended TBlendRegEx. For the latter, the parameter MasterAlpha is passed when calling the extended blendcallback. Note that all blend and combine settings in the provided bitmap parameters are ignored.

See Also

Examples, TCustomBitmap32, Rectangle Types, TBlendReg, TBlendRegEx, BlockTransfer, StretchTransfer