
procedure PolygonTS(Bitmap: TCustomBitmap32; const Points: TArrayOfFixedPoint; Color: TColor32; Mode: TPolyFillMode = pfAlternate; Transformation: TTransformation = nil); overload;

procedure PolygonTS(Bitmap: TCustomBitmap32; const Points: TArrayOfFixedPoint; FillLineCallback: TFillLineEvent; Mode: TPolyFillMode = pfAlternate; Transformation: TTransformation = nil); overload;

procedure PolygonTS(Bitmap: TCustomBitmap32; const Points: TArrayOfFixedPoint; Filler: TCustomPolygonFiller; Mode: TPolyFillMode = pfAlternate; Transformation: TTransformation = nil); overload;

procedure PolygonXS(Bitmap: TCustomBitmap32; const Points: TArrayOfFixedPoint; Color: TColor32; Mode: TPolyFillMode = pfAlternate; AAMode: TAntialiasMode = DefaultAAMode; Transformation: TTransformation = nil); overload;

procedure PolygonXS(Bitmap: TCustomBitmap32; const Points: TArrayOfFixedPoint; FillLineCallback: TFillLineEvent; Mode: TPolyFillMode = pfAlternate; AAMode: TAntialiasMode = DefaultAAMode; Transformation: TTransformation = nil); overload;

procedure PolygonXS(Bitmap: TCustomBitmap32; const Points: TArrayOfFixedPoint; Filler: TCustomPolygonFiller; Mode: TPolyFillMode = pfAlternate; AAMode: TAntialiasMode = DefaultAAMode; Transformation: TTransformation = nil); overload;


Fills the shape defined by the Points parameter and (optionally) transformed by the Transformation parameter using one of the following options:

Unlike GDI polygons, this function allows for transparency and optional antialiasing.

PolygonTS draws a non-antialiased polygon with optional transparency. When drawing, fixed-point coordinates of vertices are rounded.

PolygonXS provides full antialiasing and does not perform rounding of vertex coordinates. You can also specify the antialias mode AAMode that should be used.

All functions perform clipping.

See Also

Naming Conventions, TCustomBitmap32, Color Types, Point Types, TCustomPolygonFiller, DefaultAAMode, TAntialiasMode, TFillLineEvent, TPolyFillMode, TTransformation