XY color gradient
A gradient function defined by the multiplication of the X and Y coordinate values. Its size can be controlled using the radius property, which is actually some sort of an incircle radius. The center can be set using the center property. Finally the gradient can be rotated using the angle property.
Figure 1: Output of a TXYGradientSampler with several colors, a certain radius and angle (wrap: clamp, mirror and repeat)
Methods | Properties |
In TXYGradientSampler: | |
GetSample | |
In TCustomCenterRadiusAngleLutGradientSampler: | |
Create | Angle |
In TCustomCenterRadiusLutGradientSampler: | |
Radius | |
In TCustomCenterLutGradientSampler: | |
Center |
Copyright ©2000-2024 Alex Denisov and the Graphics32 Team - Graphics32 2.0 - Help file built on 18 Feb 2024