
property ScaleMode: TScaleMode;

type TScaleMode = (smNormal, smStretch, smScale, smResize, smOptimal, smOptimalScaled);


Specifies the current scale mode for the bitmap image.

smNormal will display the bitmap image with its original size;

smStretch will stretch the bitmap image to fit the control's boundaries;

smResize will proportionally resize the bitmap image to fit the control's boundaries;

smScale will proportionally scale the bitmap image using the factor provided by the Scale property;

smOptimal will proportionally fit the bitmap image into the control's boundaries if the viewport is smaller than the image size. Otherwise it will be displayed with its original size;

smOptimalScaled will proportionally fit the bitmap image into the control's boundaries if the viewport is smaller than the image size multiplied by the Scale property. Otherwise it will be displayed with its original size.


Note, that TCustomImgView32 descendants only support smScale, smOptimal and smOptimalScaled mode.


See Also

Bitmap Image, Scale, TCustomImgView32, TScaleMode